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Who's who at the PR
- Ariadne Petridis, Permanent Representative
- Fiel Vanthemsche, Deputy Permanent Representative
- Marie Huberlant, First Embassy Secretary
- Andy Jackson, Embassy Secretary
- Nicolas Gosset, Embassy Secretary
- Catherine Piquard, Embassy Secretary
- Bert Goormans, Attaché
- Laura Vansina, Attaché
- Axelle Legros, Attaché
- Laurens Vanden Eynde, Attaché
Ministry of Defence
- Colonel Pascal Marteau, Military Counsellor
- Colonel Peter Defrancq, Deputy Military Counsellor
- Colonel Bruno Lammens, Counsellor
- Colonel Philippe Van Gyseghem, Counsellor
- Captain Navy Kris De Donder, Counsellor
- Colonel Stephane Counasse, Counsellor
- Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Sevenoy, Counsellor
- Lieutenant Colonel Kris Hulpiau, Counsellor
- Adjutant Nicolas Remacle, Secretary
- First Sergeant Mimmo Ghysen, Responsible ICT Service
- Master Corporal Marnick Blanckaert, Driver
Ministry of Economy
Isabel Garcia-Vilar, Economic and scientific Counsellor
Military Representation of Belgium to NATO
- Lieutant-General Pierre Gérard, Military Representative of Belgium to NATO
- Brigadier-General Gert Van Goethem, Deputy Military Representative of Belgium to NA